
  1. Brian T

    Whenever I spend with my grandfather as I recently have, I get energized that we need to remind people and especially our youth of what he and others of his generation have done for our country. He fought in three wars, was a Sgt. Major in the Marine Corps (stationed at Kaneohe) and has the strength, positive attitude and honor which are traits that built our country. Places like the Waikiki Natatorium serve as a way to hold onto history by honoring our commitments to remember those who serve and those who’ve fallen, we dishonor those like him and forget their efforts and sacrifices if we can’t keep some history for people to see and share. future generations would be well served to not take for granted the freedoms that were hard fought by generations before them. The Natatorium is one such venue to preserve history, please get involved in preserving it.

    • Mahalo for your support Brian. Please encourage your friends and family to write letters to the editors of the papers ( and and let their City Council reps and the Mayor know how they feel about this veteran’s memorial.