Three more members of the Mayor’s Natatorium Task Force have joined the pro-Natatorium coalition, signing a dissenting opinion filed with the city today. The additions add important voices from the Native Hawaiian, veteran, and ocean sport and safety communities to the report’s call for stabilization and eventual restoration of the Natatorium. The added members (who could not attend the task force’s final meeting Sept. 24) are Hannie H. Anderson, co-founder and race director of Na Wahine O Ke Kai; Art A. Caleda, president of the World War II Filipino-American Veterans of Hawaii; and Brian L. Keaulana, ocean safety expert, surfer
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Monthly Archives October 2009
The story behind the story
The latest Honolulu Weekly looks at local news media’s less-than-aggressive coverage of the Natatorium issue… and what happened when the Weekly’s managing editor, Adrienne LaFrance, tried to ask the tough questions. Read her story here and then tell us in the comments what you think. Have Honolulu’s reporters covered the Natatorium story adequately? Should the mayor be more responsive to questions about his position?
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