Here’s a slideshow of a commemoration Aug. 24 marking the 84th anniversary of the ceremonial opening of one of the state’s cultural and historic icons, the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium. It was the Nat’s 84th birthday! Kahu Manu Mook offered the blowing of the Pu and Kahu Bradford Kaiwi Lum performed the Oli for those gathered at the Ewa end of Kaimana Beach, next to the Natatorium. The Natatorium is the state’s official memorial to more than 10,000 from Hawai’i who volunteered to serve in World War I and to 101 of them who died in the war. It was
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Archives for Friends of the Natatorium
Cable TV air dates for Natatorium Memorial Day observance
If you missed the Friends of the Natatorium’s 23rd annual Memorial Day observance, here’s your chance to see it. If you were there and want to record a speech or performance you found particularly memorable, here’s how. The observance was taped for cable TV and will air this week on ‘Ōlelo Community Media . It was a truly inspiring commemoration of the servicemen and women, especially those from Hawai’i, who have died for our country. Here’s when and where to see it: Natatorium Memorial Day Service Broadcast Schedule Tuesday, June 28: 1 p.m. on OAHU 52 Thursday, June 30: 12
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Natatorium story in Honolulu Civil Beat: What does it mean?
Is this a step back? Or might it actually be a step forward? Honolulu Civil Beat is out with this story quoting Mayor Peter Carlisle. He says the city is moving ahead with the environmental impact statement that would be required to execute former mayor Mufi Hannemann’s plan to demolish the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium. Sounds dire. But read closely. Mayor Carlisle does not say he thinks demolition is a done deal. He does not say that it’s his preferred alternative. What the mayor does say is that “once the draft EIS is completed, I would like to review it
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Navy, Army vets elected Friends of the Natatorium directors
Two military veterans and civic leaders this week joined the board of directors of the Friends of the Natatorium, taking on leadership roles in the fight to restore, renew and reopen the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium. The board elected Yvonne Geesey to fill the seat left empty by the recent death of longtime Natatorium supporter and veterans’ activist Fred Ballard. Maurice D. “Mo” Radke was chosen to fill the vacancy that is opening with the retirement of longtime board member and former President Lin Pang. (More later on Lin’s years of service to the Friends.) Geesey, who also replaces Ballard
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Mark your calendar: Natatorium Memorial Day observance on May 29
You are invited to the 23rd ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVANCE AT THE WAIKIKI WAR MEMORIAL NATATORIUMSunday, May 29, 10 a.m. [Note: Sunday, not Monday] Please join the Friends of the Natatorium for this poignant and meaningful ceremony, which is open to all. Covered seating will be available. The observance, sponsored by the Friends since 1989, recognizes the sacrifice of American soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and coast guards and the triumph of the freedom and democratic values they fought to defend. This year’s event keynote speaker is Lt. Gen. Duane Thiessen, commander, U.S. Marine Forces Pacific. A Marine Corps rifle detail
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Natatorium stalwart, veterans leader Fred Ballard has died
Sad news: A stalwart supporter of the Natatorium and one of Hawai’i’s leading activists on veterans’ issues has died. Fred W. Ballard, who suffered from pancreatic cancer, passed away on Sunday, April 17. He was 72. Fred served from 1995 until his death as a board member of the Friends of the Natatorium. He was our longtime board secretary. He was a leader and a constant source of strength to us in the fight for the preservation and restoration of the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium, the official memorial to more than 10,000 soldiers and sailors from Hawai’i who served in
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Quick access to the Natatorium on Facebook
The Natatorium’s personal page on Facebook has a new custom URL: The Natatorium also has a fan page on Facebook, which you can find at Follow Natatorium news on either page!
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