Memorial Day service: Save the date… and help save the Natatorium

You’ve asked what you can do to help. What you can do to contribute to the momentum for reopening the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium.

Here’s what: Be there.

Be there on Sunday, May 27, at 10 a.m. Be there for the Natatorium’s solemn 24th annual Memorial Day Observance.

Be there because it’s important always to remember the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform, and never more important than over Memorial Day weekend.

But be there also because it’s important to show that this Natatorium is a sacred place, the official memorial to more than 10,000 from Hawai’i who served in World War I. Because it’s important to show that you believe this Natatorium should be restored to its purpose of keeping their memory alive. Because it’s important to show that you love and believe in this place.

Be there because it’s important. Join us: Sunday, May 27, 10 a.m., outside the Natatorium in Kapiolani Park.


And if you want to volunteer to help at the service, contact the Friends of the Natatorium at

Categories: Events, Friends of the Natatorium, Memorial Day, and Uncategorized.


  1. Charlotte Duthie

    Do you still have need of volunteers? Please contact me if I can be of service to you.