Attend the 2019 Memorial Day Observance, Sunday, May 26, at the Natatorium

Show up to honor American men and women who showed up and died for you.

Join us for the 31st annual Memorial Day Weekend observance at the War Memorial Natatorium in Waikiki.

Photo of a sailor in the honor guard at the 2017 observance. Copyright: Greg Concilla.

A sailor in the honor guard at the 2017 observance. © Greg Concilla, 2017

We will gather on the lawn in front of the Natatorium at 10 a.m. on Sunday, May 26, the day before Memorial Day.

As always, we will honor all our nation’s war dead, an estimated 1.35 million men and women since the Revolutionary War. We have special affection for those from Hawaii, including more than 100 from the then-territory who died in service during World War I.

This is the final Memorial Day of the World War I Centennial, and this year’s observance at the Natatorium is one of the closing events of Hawaii’s official World War I Centennial commemoration. The 100th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, which officially concluded the Great War, is June 28.

A photo of Hula Hālau Olana performing at the 2018 observance. Copyright, Greg Concilla, 2018

Hula Hālau Olana performs at the 2018 observance. © Greg Concilla, 2018

Our Program

Our distinguished speakers this year include Rep. Ed Case, D-Hawaii, and Rear Adm. Matthew J. Carter, deputy commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet.

Cadet Lt. Col. Jarius Peralta, battalion commander of Farrington High School’s Junior ROTC, will provide a young person’s perspective on war, peace and the 100 years since the end of World War I.

A military honor guard, rifle detail and bugler; bag pipers from Celtic Kula Pipe Band of Hawaii, dancers from Hula Hālau Olana; and others will contribute their talents to a memorable tribute to America’s fallen heroes.

During the ceremony, active-duty service leaders, veterans’ group officials and other dignitaries will present lei in memory of the nation’s war dead.

Who We Are

Since 1989, the Friends of the Natatorium have sponsored this annual Memorial Day Weekend ceremony at the Natatorium, Hawaii’s official World War I memorial.

Memorial Day itself, of course, has even a longer history, dating back to the Civil War or even earlier.

The Friends are proud again this year to welcome as co-sponsors the Hawaii World War One Centennial Task Force, appointed by Gov. Ige to plan and coordinate the state’s centennial observances.

Photo of a member of the Young Marines salutes to honor America's war dead at the 2017 observance. Copyright, Greg Concilla, 2017

A member of the Young Marines salutes to honor America’s war dead. © Greg Concilla 2017

Make Your Plans Now

Again: The observance takes place Sunday, May 26, at 10 a.m., on the lawn fronting the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium at 2815 Kalakaua Ave., Honolulu.

We encourage you to bring your children. Help them introduce themselves to a veteran or active service member in attendance. This event is always a wonderful opportunity to teach keiki to express their appreciation for sacrifice and service.

Categories: Friends of the Natatorium, Memorial Day, and Veterans.


  1. Cdr. Michael Ferreira

    Aloha, I am the Commander of the Pearl Harbor Post of the AmVets National Chapter and a recent Task Force participant for the Centennial Celebration. I am interested in finding out more about the preservation and development of the Natatorium.

    Best Regards, Cdr Michael Ferreira 808-861-7115

    • doshea55

      Mahalo, Cdr. Ferreira! We are emailing you directly with more information.