Your Family Photos in a Natatorium Film?

Swan dive

Who’s that on the high dive?

Do you have classic Natatorium photos like these?

Hawaii’s TalkStory Productions is working on a film about the War Memorial Natatorium. You’ll see it this fall.

This great film can be even better … if it includes your family photos, your home movies, your slides, videos or vintage post cards.

How You Can Help

Good times at the Tank back in the day? Check the photo albums, the slide carousels and those dusty boxes of 8 millimeter film. Let’s see ‘em!

Send what you’ve got to producer Jason Lau at

Details, Please!

The Park

A family outing to “the Tank.”

Please be sure to send along caption and credit information with your digital scans or files.

We’d love to know who’s in each picture, what they’re doing and when. We’d also want to know (if you know) who took each photo or film, and who owns it now.

Let’s all help TalkStory talk story. Mahalo!!!!

Ewa view and tower

Categories: Documentary, History, Images, Uncategorized, and Videos.