Inspiring oratory. Celebration in song and dance. Precision military pageantry. The solemn sounding of “Taps.” Most of all: A chance to remember, honor and give thanks. You’ll want to join us for the 25th annual Memorial Day weekend observance at the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium. It’s at 10 a.m. on Sunday, May 26 – the day before Memorial Day – on the Kapiolani Park lawn in front of the Natatorium. Memorial Day weekend is, of course, all about exactly what the War Memorial Natatorium itself is all about: Our obligation never to forget. We remember the sacrifices of those –
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Monthly Archives May 2013
Natatorium Op-ed by Peter Apo: Demolition Moratorium
Don’t miss the opinion piece in the May 14 Star-Advertiser by Peter Apo. It’s important not just for the substance: Peter’s call for a two-year moratorium on threats to demolish the Natatorium, providing time and a safe space for a campaign to fund restoration. It’s also important for the eloquence and passion with which Peter makes his case. “A Measure of Who We Are” Read this passage, for instance: The Natatorium, Peter says, “is priceless as a statement of the character of Hawaii’s people. It is the stuff of which great cities are made. It can rise again, joining the
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Natatorium Defaced
It’s started. Less than a week after the city and state announced plans to raze the Waikiki Natatorium War Memorial, someone is treating it as an abandoned ruin. This morning, Kelsey Ige spotted graffiti on the Natatorium’s mauka wall: Kelsey, art director at the Waikiki Aquarium next door to the Natatorium, took the photo and sent it to us. We are crushed that someone has defaced this legendary and important war memorial. It may perhaps have been an attempt to honor the edifice (note the “Farewell Natatorium 2013” inscription to the right). Even so, it’s a terrible shame that it’s
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The Natatorium Decision: Shame and Dishonor
The city and state announcement last week that they want to raze the Natatorium was a kick in the gut to supporters of the War Memorial. One of them is Mo Radke, 30-year Navy veteran, former command master chief of the Pacific Fleet and now a board member of Friends of the Natatorium. The roots of Mo’s disappointment are in his deep respect for those who preceded him in our nation’s service. He has now written about that respect, and that disappointment, in “Honor, Courage and Commitment,” an opinion piece for Honolulu Civil Beat. “I have a granddaughter who is
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