Archives for Events

Memorial Service at the Natatorium: Another perspective

The Hawai’i Vacation Blog is out today with its commentary on last weekend’s Memorial Day Service at the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium. The blog’s Alyssa Navares focuses on one important point by Gen. Gary L. North, the Pacific Air Forces commander who delivered the keynote address at the 24th annual event. Gen. North talked about the significance of the simple words “The War Memorial” on the Natatorium’s entrance, and the assumption after “the War to End All Wars” that there would never be a need for another such monument to fallen military men and women. An assumption that, sadly, we
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Categories: Events, Friends of the Natatorium, Memorial Day, News coverage, and Uncategorized.

More Natatorium Memorial Day photos!

The consensus: It was one of the best ever. The 24th annual Memorial Day Service at the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium. Just the right combination of solemn reflection, joyful performance and precision military pageantry. Just the right combination of revered older veterans and starry-eyed young dancers, singers and Pledge of Allegiance leaders. Just the right setting. Just the right weather. Just the right way to honor our nation’s war dead and veterans. And, especially, just the perfect way to commemorate the more than 10,000 from Hawai’i who volunteered for “The Great War,” World War I. They are the ones, after
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Categories: Events, Friends of the Natatorium, Hula, Memorial Day, and Uncategorized.

From the Natatorium Memorial Day Service: By request!

We’ve heard a lot of very appreciative comments about the terrific a cappella rendition of the National Anthem on Sunday at the 24th annual Memorial Day Service at the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium. It was definitely a winner. Lots of you said you’d love to hear hear it again. And fortunately, an audience member captured the moment on video. Mahalo to our soloist, college student Emma Benjamin of Honolulu, for kicking off our patriotic celebration with such an outstanding performance of America’s most patriotic song. Everyone in attendance loved it; you provided a fitting tribute to the men and women
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Categories: Events, Memorial Day, Uncategorized, and Videos.

Photos from the Natatorium Memorial Day service (and mahalo nui!)

Mahalo to everyone who came out for the 24th annual Memorial Day Service at the Natatorium! We want to thank our engaging speakers, Gen. Gary North, VA health care executive Tom Driskill and centenarian Young Fun Choy (represented by his daughter, Jan). Thanks also to Aaron Ho, the Air Force Honor Guard, Chaplain Anthony Wiggins for his moving invocation and benediction, Olana Ai and her keiki hula dancers, and musicians (including Cyril Pahinui) who made the ceremony so special. And we especially want to thank all the veterans who came out to remember their fallen comrades with us. It was
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Categories: Events, Friends of the Natatorium, Hula, Memorial Day, News coverage, and Uncategorized.

Spread the word: Sunday, 10 a.m., at the Natatorium

The Memorial Day Service at the Natatorium. We all know what a wonderful, somber, yet joyous ceremony it is. Let’s make it a point today and tomorrow to let others know. Let’s make it a point to invite family and friends to join us there Sunday at 10 a.m. For details, point them toward today’s Star-Advertiser story. Or to our earlier blog post. Let’s bring our ohana together to remember and honor Hawai’i’s war dead and veterans. Sunday at 10 a.m. At the Natatorium. See you there. Mahalo.
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Categories: Events, Friends of the Natatorium, Memorial Day, News coverage, Uncategorized, and Veterans.

We remember: Memorial service at the Nat | Sunday, May 27

They stood up for us. Let’s come out for them. Come remember and honor our nation’s war dead, and especially those from Hawai’i, at the 24th annual Memorial Day Service at the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium. Sponsored by the Friends of the Natatorium, the observance will be held Sunday, May 27, at 10 a.m. (Note: That’s Sunday of Memorial Day weekend.) We’ll gather in Kapiolani Park, just outside the gate of the Natatorium. As always, it will be both a solemn and a joyful occasion. We will honor the ultimate sacrifice made by too many of our nation’s military men
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Categories: Events, Friends of the Natatorium, Memorial Day, and Uncategorized.

Memorial Day service: Save the date… and help save the Natatorium

You’ve asked what you can do to help. What you can do to contribute to the momentum for reopening the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium. Here’s what: Be there. Be there on Sunday, May 27, at 10 a.m. Be there for the Natatorium’s solemn 24th annual Memorial Day Observance. Be there because it’s important always to remember the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform, and never more important than over Memorial Day weekend. But be there also because it’s important to show that this Natatorium is a sacred place, the official memorial to more than 10,000 from Hawai’i who
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Categories: Events, Friends of the Natatorium, Memorial Day, and Uncategorized.

Join veterans, young and older, for a Veterans Day observance at the Natatorium

Please join Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8616, recent veterans from the U.S. Vets housing and work re-entry programs, the Honolulu Elks Lodge 616 and the Friends of the Natatorium for the VFW’s 15th annual Veterans Day wreath laying and commemoration. The observance will take place at the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium this Friday, Nov. 11, at 11 a.m. That’s the famous “11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month,” the date and time that the armistice ending World War I went into effect 93 years ago. Nov. 11 has been solemnly observed in the United States ever
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Categories: Events, Friends of the Natatorium, Uncategorized, and Veterans.

Oli and blowing on the Pu mark 84th birthday of the Natatorium

Here’s a slideshow of a commemoration Aug. 24 marking the 84th anniversary of the ceremonial opening of one of the state’s cultural and historic icons, the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium. It was the Nat’s 84th birthday! Kahu Manu Mook offered the blowing of the Pu and Kahu Bradford Kaiwi Lum performed the Oli for those gathered at the Ewa end of Kaimana Beach, next to the Natatorium. The Natatorium is the state’s official memorial to more than 10,000 from Hawai’i who volunteered to serve in World War I and to 101 of them who died in the war. It was
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Categories: Events, Friends of the Natatorium, History, and Uncategorized.

Cable TV air dates for Natatorium Memorial Day observance

If you missed the Friends of the Natatorium’s 23rd annual Memorial Day observance, here’s your chance to see it. If you were there and want to record a speech or performance you found particularly memorable, here’s how. The observance was taped for cable TV and will air this week on ‘Ōlelo Community Media . It was a truly inspiring commemoration of the servicemen and women, especially those from Hawai’i, who have died for our country. Here’s when and where to see it: Natatorium Memorial Day Service Broadcast Schedule Tuesday, June 28: 1 p.m. on OAHU 52 Thursday, June 30: 12
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Categories: Events, Friends of the Natatorium, Memorial Day, News coverage, Uncategorized, and Videos.